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What is Sapiosexuality

Understanding Sapiosexuality: The Attraction to Intelligence

In a world where labels and identities continue to evolve, one term that has garnered significant attention is "sapiosexual." This term describes individuals who find intelligence to be the most sexually attractive feature in a person. But what does it truly mean to be sapiosexual, and how does this attraction manifest in real-world relationships? Let’s delve into the fascinating world of sapiosexuality.

What is Sapiosexuality?

Sapiosexuality is derived from the Latin word "sapien," meaning wise or discerning, and "sexualis," relating to sexuality. Thus, a sapiosexual is someone who is sexually attracted to intelligence above all other attributes. For sapiosexuals, a stimulating conversation or an insightful thought can be more alluring than physical appearance or material wealth.

The Science Behind Sapiosexuality

Though sapiosexuality is a relatively new term in the lexicon of sexual identities, the concept of valuing intellect in a partner is not novel. From an evolutionary perspective, intelligence can be seen as an indicator of good genes, resourcefulness, and problem-solving abilities. These traits would have been advantageous for survival and thus may still play a role in mate selection.

Neurologically, the brain's reward system can be activated by intellectual stimulation in the same way it responds to physical attraction. Engaging in deep conversations and intellectual debates can release dopamine, the pleasure hormone, leading to feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

Signs You Might Be Sapiosexual

1. **Conversations Matter**: You find yourself more intrigued by what someone thinks rather than how they look. A good debate or an in-depth discussion is your version of flirting.

2. **Turned On by Knowledge**: Learning something new from someone or being exposed to a different perspective can be incredibly attractive to you.

3. **Emotional and Intellectual Bond**: You seek a partner who can match or challenge your intellect. Emotional connections are built on intellectual compatibility.

4. **Physical Appearance is Secondary**: While not irrelevant, physical attractiveness takes a backseat to mental prowess. You might be more attracted to someone after a stimulating conversation, regardless of their looks.

5. **Curiosity and Openness**: You are naturally curious and value open-mindedness and a willingness to explore new ideas in a partner.

Sapiosexuality in Relationships

For sapiosexuals, building a relationship often begins with a meeting of minds. Intellectual compatibility can serve as the foundation for emotional and physical intimacy. Here are some ways sapiosexuality can influence relationships:

1. **Depth Over Surface**: Relationships are likely to be built on deep conversations, shared interests, and mutual intellectual respect. Small talk and superficial connections are less satisfying.

2. **Continual Growth**: Partners in a sapiosexual relationship often inspire each other to learn and grow. This mutual pursuit of knowledge can strengthen the bond.

3. **Challenging Yet Rewarding**: Intellectual debates and discussions can be both challenging and rewarding, leading to a dynamic and engaging relationship.

4. **Balance is Key**: While intellectual attraction is crucial, maintaining a balance with emotional and physical intimacy is essential for a well-rounded relationship.

Misconceptions and Challenges

As with any identity, sapiosexuality comes with its share of misconceptions and challenges. Some might view sapiosexuals as elitist or pretentious, assuming they value intellect to the exclusion of all else. However, sapiosexuality is about finding intelligence particularly attractive, not about dismissing other qualities.

Moreover, sapiosexuals might face difficulties in relationships if intellectual compatibility is prioritised to the detriment of other important aspects, such as emotional support and physical connection.

Embracing Sapiosexuality

If you identify as sapiosexual, embracing this aspect of your sexuality can lead to fulfilling and intellectually stimulating relationships. Recognising and valuing the unique way you experience attraction allows for authentic connections with like-minded individuals.


Sapiosexuality highlights the diversity of human attraction and the importance of intellectual connection in romantic relationships. For those who identify as sapiosexual, intelligence is the ultimate aphrodisiac, leading to deep, meaningful, and stimulating partnerships. By understanding and embracing sapiosexuality, we celebrate the multifaceted nature of attraction and the unique ways in which we connect with others.


Take a look at our LGBTQIA pride collection below, which also features sapiosexual items. 

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